Christine Rieck-Sonntag

Paintings | Graphics | Sculptures

Freyung 602, 84028 Landshut, Mobil 0157 8806 0032, Mail


Christine Rieck-Sonntag

Christine Rieck-Sonntag

Englisch | Deutsch

  • 1941 Born in Zwickau
  • ab 1972 Studied religious pedagogy and painting with G. Bammes, Dresden - B. Heisig, Berlin - I. Barfuß, Berlin
  • 1996 Certification of the Academy of Fine Arts, Munich
    member of the German and Austrian artists association GEDOK and the federal association of fine artist (BBK)


  • 1994 Art award from the VR-Banken Landshut
  • 1995 Distinction award of First Art-Biennale Malta
  • 1999 Leipzig Book Fair award
  • 2010 Konrad-Lutz-Award, Munich


  • 2002 Scholarship Künstlerkolonie Bazato, Slovenia
  • 2004 Scholarship "Virginia Center for the Creative Arts", USA
  • 2006 Scholarship Giambattista Bodoni Museum of Berlin
  • 2008 / 09 Scholarship J.D.White Artist’s Colony, Costa Rica
  • 2010 Arts- und environmental project "Chunches de Mar”, Costa Rica
  • 2012 Scholarship Plovdiv, Bulgaria
  • 2015 Scholarship Veliko Trnovo
  • 2011 / 17 Scholarship art society Frankfurt/Oder

Film Portraits

  • 1995 Film portrait on the 3. Bavarian TV channel
  • 2002 Film portrait from Marco Susic (German aund English)
  • 2010 Film projekt with Music from R. Köll a. S. Ammansberger
  • 2020 Film portrait on Lower Bavaria TV Landshut
  • an overview of all videos

Books of Reference

  • 2007 Kürschners book of reference of fine artists


  • 2003-05 / 08 Lectureship summer academy Coburg, „Akt“
  • 2010 / 11 / 12 Lectureship „Werkstadt Landshut“

Single Exhibitions (Selection)

  • 1989 Berlin, Evangelischer Kirchentag
  • 1990 Bad Nauheim, Galerie Rademacher
  • 1991 Landshut, Kunstverein
  • 1992 Valletta/Malta, Nationalmuseum of Fine Arts
  • 1993 Munich, Evangelischer Kirchentag
  • 1994 Valletta/Malta, Nationalmuseum of Fine Arts
    Dresden, Haus für Kultur und Bildung
  • 1995 Plovdiv/Bulgaria, Nationalbibliothek
  • 1996 Munich, Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Arbeit u. Soziales
    Samokov/Bulgarien, Stadtmuseum
    London, Gallery LP
  • 1997 BMW Landshut
    Munich, Bavaria-Filmzentrum Geiselgasteig
  • 1998 Rabat/Malta, Wigna Court Museum
    Bayerisches Nationalmuseum Zweigstelle Obernzell
  • 1999 Valletta/Malta, Labyrinth-Gallery
  • 2000 Venedig, Centro Culturale Giudecca
    Dom von Schwerin
  • 2001 Munich, house of artists "Künstlerhaus"
  • 2002 New York University
  • 2003 Kunstverein Kronach/Kunstverein Bad Aibling
  • 2004 Bonn, Auswärtiges Amt
    New York, German consulate general
  • 2005 / 16 Wiesbaden, womens museum (Frauenmuseum)
  • 2005 / 16 Munich, Lyrikkabinett
  • 2006 Berlin, Bodoni-Museum of Berlin
    Leipzig, gallery "Süd"
    Murnau, artists association
  • 2008 Leipzig, book fair
  • 2009 / 11 Costa Rica/Galeria Nacional San José
  • 2010 BSTU Dresden and Leipzig
  • 2011 Berlin, "Helle Panke"
    Frankfurt/Oder, artists association
    Deggendorf, municipal museum
  • 2012 Merseburg (Saxony-Anhalt), "ben zi bena"
    Plovdiv, Bulgaria, TrakArt-Museum
  • 2013 / 15 Sofia, Bulgaria, gallery of the artists association
    Vienna, Kosmostheater
    Hengersberg, museum
    Passau, "Kulturmodell Bräugasse"
    Landshut, gallery "Rose"
  • 2014 / 19 Munich, German Academy of Psychoanalysis
  • 2015 / 18 Ried/Innkreis, Austria, "galerie20gerhaus"
  • 2016 Landshut, artists association
  • 2017 Plovdiv, municipal gallery,
    Veliko Tarnovo national gallery, Bulgaria
    Frankfurt/Oder, artists association
  • 2019 Passau, "Kulturmodell Bräugasse"
  • 2019 Freyung, Volksmusikakademie Bayern
  • 2021 Frankfurt/Oder, Spectrum Galerie
  • 2022 Landshut, Rochuskapelle
  • 2022 Passau, Galerie Priller

Künstlerin Christine Rieck-Sonntag: Biographie

About the Artist

"Christine Rieck-Sonntag’s artistic career developed in a most explosive manner - although not audibly. Her palette became restrained and full of toning shades, unfolding thereby an orchestral refinement of nuances, lines and colours. Expressive movement and painting- techniques came together to form increasingly complex units. The existential exertion evidenced in her works is itself both compelled and compelling - it reveals a person who paints for their very life, all or nothing: an artist for whom art is not primarily aesthetic, but magic: the conjuration of and wrestling with the very depths of existence."
Janna Miles, Landshut aktuell, Nov. 1991

"…Childhood and age are combined and contrasted. Sometimes an expressive brush outlines the forms of figures which suggest a child’s head or mother and child and which are rendered in a differentiated manner from the deliberately pale and faded portraits of the aged. Here, pastel blue and pink tones are used to sensitively describe the thin and limp yet not unappealing elder people’s bodies…"
Süddeutsche Zeitung, 06.10.1995

…Both reflection and humour can be found in this artist’ highly personal visual expression..."
Münchner Merkur, 07.03.1996


Directly on YouTube

Richard Köll and Stefan Amannsberger play their compositions to pictures from Christine Rieck-Sonntag.

on "Lower Bavarian TV Landshut" media library
